Hells Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll (1989) Documentary
Journey thru the dark side of rock 'n' roll music and its negative influence on society from a Christian perspective.
Hells Bells 2 was produced in 2004 so it deals with more current music than Hells Bells 1.
It is has 8 chapters and is six hours long, so I can't post it on YouTube.
You can order Hells Bells 1 and 2 on DVD from this website
The music clips in this video are from a commercially produced documentary about rock music dangers. The videos are produced by the Apologetics Group Ministries and used for educational purposed under fair use policy. This video has been available for legal sale on DVD for years.
WMG (Warner music group) has removed some of these videos, so be sure to get this video on DVD from the website listed above.