New York Reggae HQ. Keyboard player from New York's legendery band MONYAKA. Musician behind artists like SUPER CAT (Cabin Stabbin), (Dolly my Baby), (Big an Ready). SHAGGY (Big Up,) (Boombastic.) (Oh Carolina.) LOUIE RANKING (Typewriter, Boomshell.) TREVOR SPARKS ( On the wings of love),( Roses are red),(Rosemarie), (Twilight Time) ALTON BLACK and BLACKA RANKIN (Gal dem a watch you) SHELLY THUNDER ( Kuff). DIRTS MAN (Hot this year) SLUGGY (95% Black) (Rough Wine)(Sadom and Gomorrah) SAMMY LEVI (Come off a the road) (Throuble Again) SCION SUCCESS (Nuff a we a rude boy) and much more.