This channel actually began sharing our love making games, and love for teaching. With the growth of JustBlinkGames, we have started a channel @justblinkgames, to host all the information related to the JustBlink games website. If you are involved in Early Childhood Development or Augmented and Alternative Communication please go check that out.
This channel now holds the teaching work that stems from the work we do in the web development, focusing on the Tina4 framework, and the game engine Construct3.
The "Forever" series is my personal indulgence in story telling through the Minecraft sandbox environment. Trying to make each episode informative, I have to deal with the whims of the Lord and the Lady of the Manor, and explore the survival world that I hope to keep forever. Each time the gods Jang and Mo decide to change the world, we get to explore another map piece expanding our world.
We hope all experience the world with eyes wide open, but don't forget to just blink.