I am Achintha Madhushan.I am 29 year old.i have loved music since i was a child.Trained to play the octapad since school days and is currently a regular member of the embilipitiya delighted band.My biggest hope was to one day become a talented octapad player and to create a popular band it seems to have been very successful to this day.It is through the embilipitiya delidhted band.I always tried to create my own creations.That is to create new octapad tone without coping.To give someting to fellow craftsmen who learn octaves through it.I am currently doing it very willingly.That is why delighted achintha started my youtube channel.It has given a lot to the artists who are currently learnning through it more to come.I know they also learn a lot through the videos provide.I look forward to continuing this program successfully.I look forward to the support of all.thank you.