in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Доброго дня! Ми з Украiни!
M.Y.T.H Inc is online again:))
I figured that I owe an update to those people who genuinely were worried after my last emergency post here. I heard each and every one of you. I saw your anxious messages. I saw your encouraging messages. I saw all the messages here, on Pinterest and on Discord. I never answered. It was better this way. I wasn't in my best shape (to call it lightly) from the start of this bloodshet and had no moral strength to show it. I’m here to say it now. Thank you for the support you gave me to keep going. Thank you for the anger to keep me on my toes. Thank you for soothing energy for not letting my anger cloud my reason. @Grey, @Levi and @Nutt on pinterest; @Saylen, @Alina, @Nat, @Cate and @JoJo on Discord; @Ariana, @Jasmine Lavendar, @FreesiaAngel88 Hoeppner, @Hi, @Shit Head22, @G H, @Pearl Pearl, @yellow punch, @°•Tevia•°, @Isabela Correa M., @Kimsesiz Sincap, @amazonx42, @Issie, @fann funny, @Tia Royale, @Alison in Wonderland, @IKEA, @Valentine Morton, @구마구마호구마, @BIG MOISTY, @Anika Rajiv, @PhoenixDown_on_ ZackFair(I swear I did answered you, but it looks like my explicit lang towards terroristic pigdogs was censored by YT itself or someone else) and finally @Da-Chung - you were my last straw, so that I realized that it was time to stop keeping people in suspense and crawl out of my silent hole. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Be blessed all those people who are helping our refugees with shelter/food/donations or just simple words of encouragement. Be blessed those who are part of the protests in their countries to help to #CloseTheSky in Ukraine. You all are amazing people, I can’t even find suitable words to thank you like you all deserve it.
One more special person. It’s you, Jules. I know we speak on a daily basis, but since I made such a post… you simply must be here. We met in a comment section on pinterest 3 years ago. Over these 3 years we talked about everything, we even fought with each other about fucking politics once:) You were the person who made the videos on this channel look the way they are now. You were the person who was with me each day of this nightmarish month. And you were the person who offered me to move to your place while the situation are unstable. Just like that - offering shelter to almost an outsider - no strings attached. I’ll never flee from my own home, but it was very tempting to pack my trash and with a cat under my arm run 2000 kilometers from Ukraine to Germany. After I read that one message I cried and cried for hours. And I haven't cried ever again no matter what horrors I witnessed and done - all thanks to you. So, thank you for being you, Jules. And thank you for being in my life.
The Drama-Queen part is over. I promise to not to do it ever again.
It’s 26 day of this horrible war. Nothing is finished yet and the war,- or more accurately name it “russian genocide against the Ukrainian people”,- is still at a full scale. Each day is a day of new tragedy and losses. Even now, right at the moment when I’m writing these words, I heard the news on TV about today’s events. Our maire announced the death of 3 people from russian terrorist’s bombardment. It was a family in their own house, one of them was a 96 years old grandpa - the man who lived through Hitler’s deathcamps including Buchenwald, but didn’t make it through putler’s “Russian Peace”. May they rest in peace.
I myself, with my own hands, put my friend’s father’s body in a black plastic bag after one of the bombardments of civilian quarters 10 days ago. Remaining pieces of him to be precise. The man who laughingly gave me a stupid green cap three months ago as a New Year's present - I put in a plastic bag. Can’t remember his face since then. But I remember how his guts look perfectly fine.
We will never forget this. We will never forgive all these horrors that russian zombies did to us.
I never made this channel for hatred of any kind, politics, conflicts or whatever. I always wanted to make it a little safe harbor for brightening people’s mood. 26 days ago I wouldn't say anything like this. But that was in another life.
Now. It is a pity that I have no YT tools to do it on my own, honestly. So I’m humbly asking all my subs from russian zombies federation and their supporters to leave this channel right this moment. You are not welcomed here and all my curses go upon your heads.
Повторяю для кремлеботов: пиздуйте отсюда нах вслед за своим кораблем и будьте прокляты.
Geez, I made a loooong sheet of ramblings. The last thing. The happy thing. Congrats with MLQC 3rd Anniversary:)
Since the curfew, I have to much of free time. That means that channel will continue to be updated. Even if no one wants it, I don’t care:)))) The only thing that can make me to stop - is a fucking russian rocket right in my appartment’s window.
Oh, and since I’m on it now: stop posting comments about voice actors, for god’s sake! It is annoying af. Have respect for people's work(a good work, I must add). I banned all the comments with “voice”,”VA” crap along with “can u upload’ thing a long time ago.
That is all. Thank you for being with me. I wish all of you a peaceful sky above. Stay safe and healthy.
86 - 24
Hello to my beloved subs. And anyone who just walking by this post for any stupid reasons.
My name is Inna and I’m from Kharkiv. The Ukrainian city that currently is under Russian occupation. I hate politics from the bottom of my black heart. And I’m the last person who will talk about such shit to people who came here just for 3d boys free vids. But in this situation… I just need to take my chance. The people needs to know this. As many people I can possibly reach. Please hear me out.
DO NOT believe in Russian deceitful propaganda. Russian invaders came to our country feb 24 at 5am. It’s the second day today already their tanks, jets and ground troops are fighting with regular army as well as the civilians. The innocent people died. The children died. On their television they’re saying about attacking only military objects. This is a lie. Their bombs are everywhere.
Ukraine is a free Country. We are free people. On our own land. No one would’ve believed in such a monstrous situation. I myself wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t actually happened. Wednesday night I went to bed thinking how I hate go to my work in the mornings and how unfortunate I was failed to get Victor's SP card. And woke up from the bombardment in the middle of a night. It is very scary thing to experience, guys. I can’t describe how scary it is to sit in your flat in the full darkness and see and hear flashes of shoot down by PVO enemy’s missiles in the sky. Again, DO NOT believe Putin’s lies. He is a murderer. A madman. A sick fascist.
I know there’s a lot Russian people here. A kind good people. I’m a half Russian by blood. I speak Russian on daily basis and learned English from video games. Please, for god’s sake, do not believe your TV. Use your brains. There is not a single rightful reason to bring an army in your neighbor’s land. And killing people with the words “PEACE” on your lips.
I perfectly understand that it may be the last thing you see on this channel, because it may be reported and taken down after I pulled such a dragon from my ass. I do not regret a single thing I said. You may support me or hate me for said above. I do not care, we literally fighting for our lives here. It was a pleasure to be the part of MLQC and ToT family with all of you. Stay healthy, keep your loved ones safe.
Еще раз. Россияне, выкиньте свои сраные телеки в окно. Ваш президент пытается выдать геноцид моего народа за миротворческую операцию. Этому нет и не может быть оправдания. Я надеюсь на ваш здравый смысл. На этом все. Мира и чистого неба над головой. Для всех нас.
118 - 26
I'm here for solely promotional purposes. My bro made a thing. A funny little silly thing.
I adore such stuff. So I brought it here to share with everyone and encourage her. I'm your most devoted fan, please continue and never stop🙇♀️
That is all. Love and piece to the community - you all are my treasures❤️
49 - 5
Hello there!
Never used this YT feature before and it looks like now’s as good a time as any.
First of all, thank you for making 2K happen. Kinda unexpected for me milestone:) It’s hard to believe that original purpose for this channel was uploading a few rare MLQC Phone Calls for a certain masterlist. But here we are. Thank you again ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Secondly, it’s been quite hectic in the commentary section lately, my bros. And I understand that it’s my fault never making a clear statement about… well, anything really. Words can't describe how proud I am of our MLQC remaining players. We managed to crawl out from such a huge pile of c...😔 with dignity. Yes, I tightened censorship on the channel due to those events.
I want to address to those with whom I was harsh by removing their comments and thoughts. I love you all and I want to hear your opinion, but I was a moderator more then 7 years and I know that sometimes silence is better than repetitive empty disputes. I'll keep civility here no matter what, if I need to silence someone to achieve it - so be it. Now that the dust has settled, I'm removing the commentary restrictions on vids with... um controversial outdated now discussions.
I also want to welcome new ToT players. I'll provide a good quality vids for the game now and in the future, so stay tuned:)
I probably also need to react to Top never-losing popularity questions here, where more people can see it.
* No, I didn’t dropped MLQC. When PG and Elex announces it’s finalization [a 100 years later], I’ll be there to see the conclusion of this beautiful story. But I won't do a double work and upload unvoiced now content and then reupload the same thing but with voicing. Let's be patient and wait a little more. I also want to read it and if it helps, I myself haven't read a single line of unvoiced content since "The Incident" occured.
* “…can u upload...[some shit that still not on the channel]?” - No, I can’t. Whatever it is, there’s a reason for it not to be here. So, either I don’t have the named above content, either I don’t have time/interest/health to record and edit it. I'm a human with a personal life too.
* “…can u upload...[some shit that already here but someone's too lazy to look for it]” - Rejoice! I made a thing. Or two. More about it later.
* “Japanese-Korean language pack/quieter-louder bgm in the vids blablabla……” - FUCK NO.
* Jonah/Elex/Taiwan/LifeSucks - Stop right there. I won’t allow it.
* “WT and gacha system in general are pure evil” - Agreed. Let’s cry together.
As you can see, I'm a grumpy old hag. Can’t do nothing about it. Sorry, but not sorry.
And Finally. !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ The main reason why I’m wasting your time. At this point there’s so much content on the channel it’s hard to find anything specific here even for me, let alone for anyone else. So, as I said, I did a thing. Two master-lists. One for MLQC - I won’t share it today - it’s still needs revision. And one for ToT - compared to huge MLQC one, it’s like a child’s play. But judging from the questions under the ToT vids, it can help some people to understand a little more how the game is organized in general. Everything, I said EVERYTHING (words and pictures) in the list are an actual links to the relevant vids on the channel. I took all content game has to offer at the moment and systematized it. If picture is in black and white, then, sadly, I haven’t uploaded this content.
ToT masterlist >>>…
Feedback is extremely appreciated. If I put wrong links somewhere, please say so. I’ll also put both lists in the channel description later. Thank you for reading all this. Feel free to react to anything I wrote above. I’ll try to be a good girl today and not fight anyone here. I hope I was understandable enough, because my self-taught English is not good for a long sheets.
187 - 40
rusni pyzda