Climate change is coming for us - But there are some amazing natural allies in the fight against CO2 and once the world becomes more aware there could be a significant uplift in sequestered CO2.
Our goal is to set up a plantation of trees that will remove CO2 from the air and the soil, but these are not just any trees, these are Paulownia trees and they are magical almost mythical. These trees are the fastest growing trees in the world and they are hardy in drought or frost.
These trees remove up to 10 x the CO2 of any plant on the planet, you can harvest them every 5 years and they will grow again immediately faster, bigger and with leaves that are 1 metre across. Paulownia trees are a genuine hardwood renown for its quality and strength, it is called 'The Aluminium of Timber'.
We aim to plant 50 acres of Paulownia trees so we can make our own positive impact on climate change but we need your help to raise the money. If we are successful then farmers all over the UK will follow.