Eri Yamamoto Jazz Pianist/Composer in New York 山本恵理 ジャズピアニスト, コンポーザー
Official Website:
Instagram: eriyamamotojazz
Facebook: eriyamamotojazz
All Albums available on:
"Since moving to the United States in 1995 from Kyoto, Japan, Eri Yamamoto has established herself as one of jazz's most original and compelling pianists and composers. Jazz legend Herbie Hancock has said, “My hat’s off to her... already she’s found her own voice.”
During the past twenty-eight years, Eri has been sharing her uniquely lyrical and evocative music with listeners in New York City, throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, Africa, Jamaica, and Australia; with appearances in concerts, clubs, and major festivals."
アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、日本をはじめ、世界各国のメジャーフェスティバルに多数出演。15枚のリーダーアルバム。ミュージックビデオ" A Woman with a Purple Wig" は、NYとLAの2つの映画祭で最優秀賞受賞。