in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Join us tonight in our live discussion: Winter Cycling 101 - Defrosting the Myth 🚲☃️🤗
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I spent a couple of days riding the Ouca, a brand new heavy-duty e-assisted #CargoBike from #Oulu, made in Finland, riding it over 100 km in various conditions. I'm going ride it more and do a thorough review video later. What would you like to know about it? 🤗
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Live discussion w/ @Shifter_Cycling tomorrow Sat 4th March 19:00 Finnish time (18:00 CET): Recently we did a Plus 1 Minus 2 challenge comparing urban cycling in two very different, but also very similar winter cities: Calgary & Oulu. Now, we'll discuss the videos live! Bring your questions! 🤗
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Mikä siinä talvikunnossapidossa oikein mättää? #BikeBusters lähti selvittämään, miten Helsingin Tehostettu Talvihoito toimii, vai toimiiko se? Tsekkaa traileri! Koko jakso julkaistaan tänään klo 18:00!
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New livestream soon at 13:00 EET! We've had a fair number of warm and sunny days now that have really kicked the snow to start melting. However, last night we had temperatures down to -15°C and naturally that freezes things. Let's go see how the maintenance has faced that challenge here in #Oulu, #Finland!
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First live stream for this winter at 17:00 EET! Forecast says -15°C and it's a true winter wonderland outside. Join at !
For this winter, we've extended our super 24/7 maintenance class and opened a new bicycle superhighway among other things. Let's go see how #Oulu, #Finland looks like now!
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Would you believe it? Summer actually _does_ exist here in the 65th latitude as well, and we also want our share of the sunshine and warm weather! How does the City of Oulu, Finland look like, when there's not a meter of snow covering everything? Live stream coming up on Wednesday, 16:30 EEST!
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#Livestream! It's +10°C here in Oulu 😱🥵 and they've started the construction of our newest bicycle superhighway. This situation requires #IceCream and a of course a #livestream - happening at 16:15 EEST (two hours from now) at !
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Annnnd another #bicycle #livestream today! Let's go check all(?) the projected traffic signs on our #bikepath's 👌
Live stream with live chat at at 20:00 EET / 19:00 CET / 12:00 (noon) CST today! 🥰
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Videos mostly from the best winter cycling city in the world - Oulu, Finland. But also some bicycle adventures at times. I'm a cycling coordinator, urban planner & wellbeing engineer and hoping to spread to word about what is possible. It's not about the cold - it's about the infrastructure and maintenance.
Twitter @pekkatahkola
IG @ ptahkola
And if you'd like to support the channel, visit . Thanks! 🤗