Greetings & Hello my name is Peter a New Jersey resident and former whistleblower of a corrupt origanzation I was once employed by.
Here you will get first hand exposure & accounts with in depth detail of the acts and actions of the company employees including the local authorities who worked hand in hand with the organization also including corrupt city officials and the attempt to remove me from the equasion before I exposed the truth to the general public the information I will tackle and expose is a direct result of blowing the whistle on a major Non Profit 501 chapter 3 Tax Exemption, located in the heart of Atlantic City NJ.
In each video I will break down and show details from thier actions first hand from embellishments, fraud,Cover Ups from city & government officials how it started in the office and ended up with me behind bars in a New Jersey State Prison.
To the company attempting to hush me with a Gag Notice, Come with me as I expose further illegal and criminal actions.