Welcome to my channel!
Here, I delve into the realms of art, design, music, and travel. I wear many hats, whether it's as an architect, a skilled jeweler, an artist, or even a dedicated blogger. My passion for art, culture, and globetrotting fuels my boundless creativity. Juggling multiple small businesses may be a challenge, but it never dampens my determination to make things happen!
While Malaysia is my cherished hometown and Australia my second home, it was in Singapore where I honed my professional expertise. Being open to job opportunities from various countries, I am flexible and adaptable. Feel free to drop me a PM if you're interested in my services. To learn more about me or my business, click on one of the links provided below.
我是一名建筑师,手工首饰设计师,艺术爱好则,还是一位博客作者。我喜欢艺术,文化还有旅行,而这些兴趣给了我很多创造上的灵感。现在的我同时管理几个小型企业,无疑是一项挑战,但这不会阻止我努力的方针! 马来西亚是我的故乡,澳洲是我第二个家乡,新加坡是我获得很多工作经验的地方,而我不会局限自己的工作地点。
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