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Mark Murchison

39K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Mark Murchison
Posted 5 months ago

How can a person know what's really going on in this world of lies. Certainly there are plenty of things to divert attention and distract . The God of the Bible, the Great I Am is the one I trust and serve!! And He is the one who directs my path. ⌛🕛

919 - 103

Mark Murchison
Posted 1 year ago

This is the painting that Paula MinGucci made of me. You did a fantastic job sister Paula!! Thanks so much!!

1.3K - 163

Mark Murchison
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for not having a new video up! I've been sick with a sinus infection and just wasn't up to it. I'll be sure to put one out as soon as I can. I love you all! Mark. :)

801 - 186

Mark Murchison
Posted 2 years ago

I just shared a short post on Facebook about how big that God is, the universe the galaxies and the Earth and all the planets. Sometimes it's easy to think that God is so big how could he care about us but a very good scripture says it very well in Romans 5:8. It says, but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. There certainly is no greater love than this, Jesus loves you very much and you are very important to him. And I love you too! Mark. 🙂

674 - 56

Mark Murchison
Posted 2 years ago

Well, the impersonator strikes again.. I would NEVER do this!! Anyone that watches my videos on YouTube beware..

199 - 36

Mark Murchison
Posted 2 years ago

I felt I should share what the Lord made real to me yesterday and I posted it to facebook last night...
I pray the Lord will help me to describe the way that you have been feeling. You have been feeling SO alone and there doesn’t seem to be anyone that you can talk to. A true friend just can’t seem to be found, one that you can truly trust and that really cares. No one would ever know when they see you but deep inside your soul is a burden that has been way too hard to bear. If this burden could melt into tears, you could mop the floor with them. The anguish has been unbearable and you have said nobody gives a S… I’ll say dodo. Well let me tell you something right now, the God of the universe has seen your tears and knows your heart ache and sees ALL your struggles. He is a friend like no other that loves you so very much. He wants you to know that He bows His head down and bends his ear just to listen to you. Know that you have a friend in Jesus, a friend that will be with you throughout eternity. NEVER give up child of God, never!!

As these things were going over in my mind a very old hymn came to me. Please read the words in this hymn, it is so important… It confirms what the Lord spoke to me for some of you..
Are your crosses too heavy to carry;

And burdens too heavy to bear?
Are there heartaches and tears and anguish;
And there's no one who seems to care?
Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus,
He's the Friend who always cares and understands.
Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him
And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands.
Are there shadows of deep disappointment,
And trusts that have proven untrue?
Has the darkness of night settled round you
Has your hope and your faith wavered too?
Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus,
He's the Friend who always cares and understands.
Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him
And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands.
Has the storm over shadowed your sunshine,
And life lost attraction for you?
Have the dreams that you cherished been broken,
Is you soul filled with bitterness too?
Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus,
He's the Friend who always cares and understands.
Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him
And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands.

989 - 241

Mark Murchison
Posted 2 years ago

JESUS did not many mighty works in His home town because of their unbelief.
UNBELIEF ties the hands of God But FAITH in God can MOVE MOUNTAINS!! 🙂

787 - 79

Mark Murchison
Posted 3 years ago

Good morning everyone! I have had different people let me know that there is still someone posing to be me that use my picture and name, especially on youtube, and try to get people to send them money. I would NEVER do this. I haven't been able to find these comments or I would certainly block them. I just wanted to warn you. Have an awesome weekend and Lord willing, I'll visit with you all here tomorrow on youtube.. God bless! Mark. 🙂

870 - 59

Mark Murchison
Posted 3 years ago

Please pay close attention dear one's. As evil intensifies in control of your thoughts and on the lens of your mind, Jesus wants you to NOT take your eyes off from Him but continue to focus STRAGHT into HIS eyes. This is where you will have NO MORE FEAR! With your eyes steadfast in His, you will VERY SOON see JESUS in ALL HIS GLORY!! All of the cares of this former life will be gone FOREVERMORE!! Just as God did not abandon Moses and His people at the red sea, HE WILL NOT ABANDON YOU!!! Stay focused I say and brave. A VERY BRIGHT DAY SOON AWAITS US!!! Have I ever expressed to you how much I love you? Well I do!! Mark. 🙂

2.8K - 548

Mark Murchison
Posted 3 years ago

Hello everyone! Just a quick update...I'm feeling SO much better, and my family as well. Thanks be to Jesus!!! I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for all your prayers and wonderful messages of encouragement to my family and I as we have been going through this . We appreciate you all more than words can say!! We love you all and are SO blessed to have you all in our lives. God bless and keep each of you we pray! Mark, Harriet and Kayla.

3.3K - 699