Raised, in a Christian family, Samantha grew up going to Sunday School, this is where she first started singing.
She is an alumna of JKUAT Christian Union where she served as a music director and, praise and worship leader and several other ministries. Through this she got to grow her gift and nurture others as well.
She recorded her Debut Single “NATAKA” in 2013, a second single “UNAWEZA” in 2014 and her third Single "ANAVYOKUITA" in December 2018.
Her new Song “ANANICHANGAMSHA” is derived from Colossians 3:1 which says: Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Its a reminder that only God can satisfy us”
Her vision is to reach the unreached with the Gospel through singing and mentor-ship.
WATCH + LIKE + SHARE & SUBSCRIBE To her channel. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter on @samanthaannke. Visit www.samanthaann.co.ke for more info