My name is Mateusz, and I created this channel to share knowledge about pressure injection in the form of short videos.
I hope it will be a great addition to my podcast called Concrete Injection Made Easy, where I talk about pressure injection with experts from around the world.
As you perfectly know, concrete is used all over the world, and like any other material, it needs repair. And that's what we're going to talk about here.
We will explain why the concrete cracks and how we can fix it.
What materials to use? When it will be polyurethane, epoxy, or acrylic resin?
What pump should you use?
I will also invite pressure injection contractors from all over the world to tell us about their work and situation at the construction site, and how they made the sealing or strengthening of the structure.
Do you want to share about your job site situation?
Write to me at about this injection, and I will feature you in the next episode of the podcast.