The main purpose of this channel is to share information about how to prepare for events beyond our control; events such as unemployment, financial hardship, natural or man-made disasters, and anything else life might throw our way.
A prepper is someone that makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances. That about sums it up for me. I first began thinking about prepping a few years ago when we had a series of winter storms that left people without electricity and water.
Some people lump preppers in with hard-core survivalists, and in some cases, that may be true. As for me, I just want to make sure that I can take care of my family if a "change in normal circumstances" occurs.
As a husband and father, taking care of my family is my sacred duty. In this channel, I'll share what I already know, and any new information that I discover about prepping. I hope you find this information useful.