Andrew Zeleno is a teacher for one of the best audio production courses/mixing courses. 180 Andrew Zeleno Course Reviews: Andrew Zeleno is a top ranked audio engineer, mixing and mastering engineer, producer. Worked as a senior mixer for State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company (the biggest broadcasting company in the region) for 10 years. Andrew Zeleno Credits:
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Teaches online from Canada
Mixing Tutorials. Audio Engineering. Music Production. Mixing a Song. How to Mix Songs. Mixing Techniques. Mixing Songs. Recording Vocals. Drums. Guitars. Plugin. EQ. Native Instruments. SSL. Waves.
Andrew Zeleno - преподаватель онлайн курс по звукорежиссуре (одних из лучших).
Andrew Zeleno - звукорежиссер высшей категории. Проф карьера:
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онлайн курс преподается из Канады