What is Up People On YouTube!
It’s Mr. IPhone Here Once Again
I have Autism And I’m just a Guy Who Likes making Vyond & Wrapper Offline Animations
Some of my videos in Vyond And Wrapper Offline Contains Extreme Swear For users that they may find it offensive! And my videos that has swears is rated PG-13.
My TTS Voice Is Wiseguy While My Friend Lucasxg10’s TTS Voice is Hugh
7 Rules:
1. No Grounded Threats
2. No Terminating My Channel
3. No Hate Comments Or You’ll be blocked
4. No Saying I Hate Mr. IPhone
5. No stopping me with the “sent to the audience!” gag
6. No telling me to delete my channel
7. No Bashing My Opinions
Please Subscribe to my channel.