This is Er. A.K.Pandey. This channel is made only for education purpose.
Education = B.Tech(EEE)/M.Sc(math's)/M.C.A(FULL-STACK-DEVELOPER).
WORKING= I am working as a teacher with 8years teaching experience. Basically I teach math's , physics, some EEE subjects &
programming like C/C++/JAVA/PYTHON etc . Also working as a front-end developer and make many projects based on frontend.
Interest= I done two master degree one in math's and other in full-stack-developer, because math's teaching is my passion & do programming is my self- motivated power.
I believe that knowledge has a beginning but no end!. So I am always ready for learning whether I gain knowledge from older or younger no matters that. Sometimes my student give me important points in teaching time , So i heartly thankful to my dear students which give me time to time suggestions for important topics. Atlast thankful to all my dear guys to appreciate to make this channel.