Smart Investment Ideas is a Youtube Channel for Educational Purpose for Stock Market Investment Ideas. This Channel is run by Stock Investor who is investing in Stock Market Since 2008 and Now Spending Most of His Time in Trading & Investing in Stock Market.
Channel Aim to Strengthen Retail Investor so that they could take their right decisions. We generally gives Ideas of Small & Micro Cap Stocks being These have High Growth Potential while Large & Mid Cap Stocks are with Less Returns.
We Emphasis on learning of Fundaments & Technical Analysis of Stock befor buying & Selling of any Stocks.
Disclaimer -
We do not offer any recommendation to purchase or sell on any of the stock. All our Videos are for Educational Purpose only.
These instruments carry High Risks so always invest only when you will do your own Research. You should invest in Stocks as per your Risk Appetite. Never Invest in Stocks with Borrowed Fund.