I order my videos by Date/Month/Year
Note - I stopped creating playlist after I was able to uploaded longer than 15mins, search for what you need :D Or ask if you're looking for something ^ ^
aka Chloe/rocksanie
198593c = 05/08/93 (dd/mm/yy)
Side youtube- radio recordings!
Try my best to record MA, HB, SK, LEDApple stuff, if you want something recorded let me know few days before + I'll do my best!
(I know the feeling of missing something + not being able to find/hear it later T^T~Please credit, it takes time + is very tiring, I do this to share and that's all~ I am no way related to Arirang at all, if you want cut something please cr me/pm + I'll do it)
10/04/13 Aron~
19th Kevin ❤~ + TQ Aron read request for LEDApple!
02/06/13 Kevin loves his card & present ;w; & the Hello Kitty ;; ❤
05/06/13 ASC w/ VIXX ❤ N and Ravi said I love you in rehearsal ;;