When done properly the same benefits apply, including improved circulation and flushing the buildup of lactic acid and other toxins from muscles and through the lymph system. The lymphatic vessels transport nutrients to cells while carrying away debris. When the lymph vessels are not functioning properly, toxin-filled fluid accumulates, just as in a clogged sink or pipe.In skin the result is puffiness and jawline associated with age, which drive some people to plastic surgeons.Izumi said that by draining the excess fluid, "I can make your face tighter and smaller."She's not against Botox or laser treatments, but she says she sees women starting as young as 30, with long-term weakening of the skin, robbing it of elasticity.
看護師として6年間整形外科病棟、救急外来にて勤務。現役時に、アロマセラピーやリフレクソロジーを学ぶ。リラクゼーションセラピーにその頃興味が出始める。美容整形で勤務するのが夢だったIzumiだが、現場で働きクイックフィックスへ不満が募りだす。ここに来るまでに何かできることはないのかと考えた末、Beauty Schoolへ入学しスキンケアーの基礎から学び始めた。ここで、フェイシャルでの無限の可能性を見つけ独自のフェイシャルマッサージのテクニック『Detox Facia』のちの『Izumi Method Therapy』を創り上げる