Exam guru is the online preparation hub for Bank, SSC, Railway, Police exam, Defense exam, and all other state government exam. We provide the free study material for IBPS, SSC, Railway, Police and Defense exam. Our main focus is RRB NTPC 2019, Railway exam 2019 and SSC CGL and CHSL 2019. In banking preparation our main exams are IBPS Po, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO and IBPS RRB (Regional Rural Bank). We provide the free study material for SSC CGL and SSC CHSL. In RRB Railway exam our main focus on Railway Group D, RRB ALP, RPF (Constable and SI), TC and Assistant station master exams. We also provide the free study material for MP police Constable and SI bharti, UP police Constable and SI Bharti, Rajasthan police Constable and SI bharti and all other state level police exams.