Yvonne Maffei, MA is an international food & travel media publisher and founder of the first blog on Halal food and cooking, MyHalalKitchen.com. Its mission is to "Make Global Cuisine Halal". She is a Halal industry consultant and an advocate of culinary diplomacy and food security. She is also a researcher, cookbook author, e-commerce entrepreneur, public speaker, and niche area consumer marketing expert. The aim of this channel is to educate the public about conscious cooking and healthy eating as well as to provide insight into the incredibly interesting global Halal industry. Yvonnes' work has been covered in The New York Times, CNN Eatocracy, Forbes, CBS Religion & News, NPR, Chicago Public Radio, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago History Museum, Aga Khan Museum and other prominent media. She has been a guest at the Obama White House and a repeat guest of the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services community programs. Her books include My Halal Kitchen and Summer Ramadan Cooking.