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Beyond with Heather Tesch

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In each episode of “BEYOND with Heather Tesch” we talk with

NDE: TIME IS DIFFERENT in SPIRITUAL SPACE, WE CAN FIX PAST NDE: Jesus said: OUR THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL What Jesus Looked Like during NDE NDE: I was shown the Quantum Field where we Create NDE: We come to earth with Divine Blueprints NDE learns EVERYTHING is RECORDED COLORS WERE ALIVE, NDE age 4 NDE: Everything was from This Place NDE age 4: Comforted by Being of Light Unique & Fascinating thoughts on Judas & Jesus DO WE PLAN OUR LIVES before we come to earth? WOW! I had not heard this before about LIFE REVIEWS LIFE REVIEW: what will mine be like? LIFE REVIEWS: How do they work? WHAT WE EXPERIENCE WHEN WE LEAVE OUR BODIES TRAVELED TO HEAVEN IN SHARED-DEATH EXPERIENCE Scott Taylor TRAVELED TO HEAVEN IN INCREDIBLE SHARED DEATH EXPERIENCE Scott Taylor You Don't Know the Truth. We are So Much More than our Bodies. NDE NDE: I was DEEPLY CONNECTED to OTHER BEINGS during Near Death Experience NDE: I was connected to endless beings during Near Death Experience The Remarkable NDE, as a Baby, of Franco Romero How Modern Society Harms Spiritual Connection NDE RESEARCH WE ARE FAR MORE THAN WE REALIZE, NDE research NDE RESEARCHER's fascinating findings on CHOICE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS TALK about FUTURE THEY SAW MULTIPLE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS SEE TURBULENT FUTURE WHAT NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS SEE in NEAR FUTURE WHAT NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS SAW in FUTURE WARNINGS ABOUT NEAR FUTURE from NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS No one is Lost or Injured on Soul Level Angels & Guides Inspire & give us Ideas! What if we are far more Amazing than we can imagine? What if we are far more than we think? WHY IS LIFE SO HARD? NDE: SAW BEINGS NOT OF THIS WORLD NDE: I COULD PERCEIVE TRILLIONS OF THINGS & BEINGS AT ONCE NDE: WE SEE CHALLENGES DIFFERENTLY WHEN WE DIE NDE: “I WAS EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE” Alysa Rushton NDE: SEES OTHER BEINGS IN SPACE NDE: SEES FUTURE OF MANKIND ATHEIST has INCREDIBLE NDE NDE Sees Record of ALL of Past & Future NDE: DISCOVERS PURPOSE OF LIFE Archangel Michael Escorts her to Light in Near Death Experience Dies. Sees God. Drops to her Knees. NOV, JAN, FEB will be Wild Alien Visitation becomes Clear & Obvious Near Death Experiencer Sees Chaos in November