The Most High instilled within my heart and mind when my oldest three where minors, I being a single mother at the time, to record with an engineer to lay down spoken word tracks that I wrote. Recording and studio time is very expensive, I paid cash out of pocket... with the masters alone being nearly $5,000.
This is the foundation of what was recorded in the middle of 2006 finishing up with masters in hand in early 2007. The engineer is talented however I had/have other ideas. I simply did not have the money to move forward with her at the time.
These are rough draft tracks as I wait on the Most High to move forward. I call this CD my on the 'backburner' project. The foundation is ready!
-I tend to place my Facebook page on lock to concentrate on other things. If you should find that being the case please revisit. This as of now the only platform I speak on...(other than YouTube comments on others channels) touching on a wide range of topics love.507