JohnnyJuan Ortiz: From high school FUN to Sales Success to FuNLiFe Coach. A family man, leader, speaker, sales trainer & Coach. His goal? Simply to help you live out your childhood dreams in LIFE's playground. Stop allowing the school yard bully of life to push you around and not go after your childhood dreams. Together we will rediscover that lost childlike faith and wonder of it all that once allowed you to go after what you really wanted and not take NO for an answer. We learn how to navigate the playground and truly have FUN by faithing our biggest fears and limiting beliefs. We know we are often times our biggest bully and worst enemy. We will look at the 8 key areas of life along with the 8 key primary motivating factors and then apply the 8 key habits that make everything come together. Just like a puzzle, sometimes you are just missing a few key pieces to be able to see the complete picture. I dedicate this to all those childhood dreams that have died on the playground of life.