Hi my name is Wesley Walker DIY Dud to Stud - the focus of this channel is DIY all the time. From making Designs for Laser Engraving, 3D Printing, CNC, Painting, Karaoke, Art, Scroll Saw, Making Flags, Sewing Mask and Pillow Cases for kids in hospitals, to Software Pinball and MAME Arcade builds. Join me on the crazy ride weekly to having fun DIY'ing all the time.
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Twitter @DIYDudTOStud
Reddit u/Wesleycwalker
Tumblr - diydudtostud.tumblr.com/
Drummitup - drummitup.com/drummitup-member.php?action=profile&…
Medium - medium.com/@DIYDudToStud
Facebook group DIY Dud to Stud - www.facebook.com/groups/DIYDudToStud
Be good to one another and be the better you