Dom Bianco is not a new name in rock and roll. He's been recording and amassing a loyal fan base for many years now. His CD Fool For Tryin' is one of the stars in his crown. This collection of twelve riveting tracks is hard to not listen to again and again. From blistering vocals and arrangements on River Of Rain, to easier tunes
like Little Girl Survived, to the album's exciting title track, this CD is a winner all around. Stars aren't just created by record companies anymore. Stars create themselves and mold their own futures and destinies in the digital age. Dom Bianco
has achieved a mastery that many of his peers would love to call their own. His library is growing and he's enjoying every minute of it. The ride he takes his listeners on is a grand adventure that never disappoints. Artists like Dom are a testament to what talent, determination and drive can accomplish. Fool For Tryin' is a small masterpiece. Grade: A - Web Digest Weekly