According to Pew Research, 72% of all Americans believe in heaven. Yet a much smaller percentage believe in the near-death experience. How do we reconcile this? The logical explanation is the former do not believe a person can experience “heaven” and return to tell the tale. And since they have not been there themselves, their belief is a product of faith.
Faith is hard work. And it is often harder to keep. Yet for those who have had an NDE, faith is no longer necessary - for them, it is fact. They know there is an afterlife because, as they will tell you, they have had first-hand experience in that realm. Many return telling of meeting a spiritual being - some say they encountered Jesus, some God and some a pure loving entity. Ninety-nine percent say they no longer have any fear of death. Ninety-six percent tell us that what they experienced was more “real than real”. And no one will ever convince them otherwise.
Learn more about the NDE phenomenon and decide for yourself.