Welcome to StefPlays, the Youtube Channel for all your Haitian-American Piano Tutorial needs. On this channel we will be teaching and tackling basic to complicated Christian songs that are commonly played in our Church along with addressing major issues in the church as wel. I hope you you're able to learn how to play these songs and share them with all new and existing piano players so we can spread the knowledge of these songs and concepts to Play Better Together!
Byenvini sou StefPlays, Chèn Youtube pou tout Tutorial Pyano Ayisyen-Ameriken. Sou chanèl sa a nou pral anseye ak abòde chante kretyen debaz yo konplike ki souvan jwe nan Legliz nou an ansanm ak adrese gwo pwoblèm nan legliz la tou. Mwen espere ou ka aprann kijan pou jwe chante sa yo epi pataje yo ak tout nouvo moun ki vle jwè pyano ak moun ki deja egziste pou nou ka pataje konesans sou chante ak konsèp sa yo pou nou jwe pi byen ansanm!
Kontak: stefplays94@gmail.com