“The Most Haunted Apartment In Florida.”
Hello there! Welcome to our page and welcome to Apartment 202, where the after life has quite literally been proven to exist.
Now known as “The Only Verified Haunted Apartment In Florida” and “The Most Haunted Apartment In Florida.”
The management office of the complex has lowered the rent by $200 a month because of the extra roommates we have.
For a long time we’ve been experiencing paranormal activity in our haunted apartment and we’ve been documenting what we’ve caught along the way. Our videos will prove the afterlife beyond a reasonable doubt. Watch as we unlock the door and let you in to see what it is like to live in a REAL haunted apartment. Stay connected for further videos by subscribing because you haven’t seen anything yet!
Coming soon.. testimonial from previous tenant and the horror that made her flea from Apartment 202.
Enjoy the videos!