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Smith's Pest Management

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We are a San Jose, CA based company servicing the greater Sa

Block ground squirrels with fencing. #pestinspection #gophers #groundsquirrels Early morning ground squirrel patrol #smithspestmanagement Effective ant control year-round using borax based ant bait Understanding ground squirrel damage to sports fields. Don't, break your legs! Safe and effective carbon dioxide for ground squirrel control Get rid of gophers from sports fields schools and Parks fast! #gophers #pestcontrol #bayarea How we find hidden ant colonies around the house! Smith's Pest Management Accidents happen, not our driver's fault. Everybody is ok!. Thank goodness for insurance! 🙏 Get rid of gophers and ground squirrels using carbon dioxide Gophers or Moles? Lets identify the damage! #garden #gophers #moles my Whale song soundbath experience in Maui a pocket gopher, doing what it does best! FOAMY BARK CANKER DISEASE, AND A LITTLE BIT OF INFORMATION ABOUT ITS BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. Foamy bark canker suspected on Coast live oak in Los Altos hills California Why doesn't water penetrate my soil? $100 worth of exclusion would have prevented $8,000 worth of insulation contamination How do the rats get in to the attic? Rats enter through Spanish tile roof very easy. Resident feeding ground squirrels at the park. Good example of mole damage in San Jose CA Permanent lawn damage from old gopher piles Meadow Voles Have Nearly Uprooted This Palo Tree What ground squirrels do to a soccer field Night gopher! This is how Gophers travel from yard to yard. Sometimes it's not the gopher that causes the damage. The biggest mole piles I've ever seen. This is not a gopher. Clayton ground squirrel examples and some gopher activity Mole damage to lawn