Welcome! My name is Michelle Brandenburg, global psychic tarot reader on ROKU & Amazon Fire TV (Zodiac Tarot Channel App). I am an internationally known psychic medium, experienced with paranormal investigations, formerly a part of Parachills (a global paranormal & missing persons investigative team), Investigation with GSS, & locally. Capricorn sun/Libra moon & rising. I have open abilities of clairvoyance( I can see and communicate with all realms/dimensions/animals/nature using all senses), remote viewing, astral travel, and the ancient art of scrying after an NDE/OBE. I am an expert within the following: Akashic records, symbol/vision/dream interpreter, and crystal/turbine seashell scrying. I receive past life, current life, and near future information. My main focus is assisting with missing persons/cold case investigations and helping humanity. My background also includes: published co-author, singer/songwriter, retired nurse, nursing house supervisor, SRNA instructor.