Welcome to MLAATRNetwork which will be streaming all seasons of My Life as a Teenage Robot on this channel for your viewing.
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XJ-9 ("Jenny" as she calls herself) is a highly sophisticated battle robot created by Dr. Nora Wakeman, but Jenny only wants to live the life of a normal teenage girl. Both live in the fictional futuristic town of Tremorton (a parody of Trenton, New Jersey), and live next door to her best friends Brad and Tuck Carbunkle. At school, she has an ongoing rivalry with the Crust Cousins, Brit and Tiff, the popular girls in school, and puts up with Sheldon, a somewhat stereotypical loser who is completely obsessed with her. Adding to her trouble is that she is constantly being dogged by the all-robotic Cluster Empire, whose queen, Vexus, wants her to join their world of robots (by force if necessary). Despite it all, however, Jenny still struggles to maintain some semblance of a mostly-human life.