A channel dedicated to navigation, to drifting or rather anti-dérive.fr 😅, to gliding in all its forms whether at sea, on land or in the air... passionately! and good luck!
Performance (technique), exploration (sea sense, nature, fauna and flora, weather, etc.) and sensation (speed, highlights)
Lots of support! dinghies: laser, rs feva, rs 500, 29er, laser vago, 420, catamarans, kite, windsurfing, paddle, keelboats: open 5.00, and habitable boats: first class 7.5, dufour 325 #navigation #navigationlaser #boat # مراكب شراعية #ريح #إبحار
And alternatives: kites, sand yachting
A website to complete this content is accessible via this link: anti-derive.fr
#slip #drift #anti-drift
Let's meet at these magnificent bodies of water: #lacdorient #havre #fortmahon #quend #lacduder #lacdevirychatillon #lacdecreteil #etangdesaintquentin #seineport
You can contact us:
#morocco #france