Softball Power Drive - Fastpitch Softball Training Aid
The Softball Power Drive is the "ORINGINAL US PATENT" training aid used for both softball pitching and softball hitting. Practice in real game conditions from the mounds rubber with US Patent channel mount technology. This US Patent mount around technology fits tight over the rubber which prevents any slippage or movement to allow a clean power drive. Also the power plates US Patent pendulum design operates on athlete's gravitational force ONLY to allow a natural momentum delivery or swing just like professionals in a live game. No springs to alter a delivery or swing. It is made in the USA of solid steel weighing 15 lbs and built to last a life time. Also includes an anti skid pad for flat ground drills and softball hitting use.
Designed by Professional Trainers and Coaches
The Softball Power Drive is the first US Patent softball pitching and softball hitting training aid that teaches softball players to maximize their lower b