I Upload Alot Of Games, And I Will Try My Best To Put A Smile On Your Face!
Business Email = fuseclapz@gmail.com
I would not be where i am today with out your support!!!
One of my goals is to make everyone happy and make every one's day by uploading my content,being me and having fun
USE CODE FuseClapzYT The Fortnite Itemshop
I kinda play whatever so yeah
my other goals are to one day is to reach 100k subscribers so if you subscribe my YouTube and possibly my twitch channel we can reach this goal together.
"Just because someone sends hate your way or if they make mean comments doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams!"
(I'm the clan leader for my clan called Fuse clan)
Twitch = m.twitch.tv/fuseclapzyt
Second Channel = youtube.com/channel/UCxMwaTKS1HzVwIIYRVYk-Jw
Tiktok www.tiktok.com/@fuseclapzyt?_t=8XtfLMafhEc&_r=…