While watching gameplay vids in the past I used to think that they're cool and all but those guys were so pro that they made everything look so easy and boring while making me feel bad about my own skills.
So I thought 'I wish I can see an average guy play once in a while' and I just went and did that.
My channel will mainly focus on Vindictus or any other Korean game that catches my interest.
My two main goals with this channel will be:
-Showcasing new content in Vindictus[aka Mabinogi Heroes] and other Korean games that I am playing at the time.
-Showing an average Joe playing to show that you're not the only one who feels insignificant after watching pros play.
The criteria won't neccessarily be restricting the kind of vids I upload. So other non-Korean games and random stuff can pop up from time to time.
As I'm just doing this as a hobby, I can't gaurantee a steady upload schedule. Sorry about that :P