Welcome to my channel. I'm self taught and happy to share what I find useful. I'm just me in a workshop - NOT an expert. I've learned much & still learning - that's what makes it fun. All opinions are my own and reflect my own experiences. Your mileage may vary. Join me on my way.
My videos are for entertainment purposes only - they are not comprehensive tutorials and not all pertinent safety details are shown. I accept no responsibility for any injuries you may incur from copying what you see here. I try to demonstrate safe procedures but before using any tool familiarise yourself with its safe use with your own research. ALL tools are dangerous - treat them with respect and follow their safety procedures. ALL wood dust is hazardous. Many materials have handling issues & can give off harmful vapours. Take appropriate precautions. If you are uncomfortable carrying out any operation, stop. Do not follow my actions if you find them unsafe - learn a safer method.