It’s all about the Well Curated Home!
My name is Laura, I am located in Cleveland, Ohio
I am dedicated to being a SAHM, an Artist and creating a sustainable
mini homestead on our suburban property. I'm new to this, so join me!!
Here you will find thrifting, savvy home decor, beautiful imagery, art & craft and so much more.
Welcome to the home we call Applewood!
I live in a 120 year old Edwardian Boarding House that we are updating as a home and studio.
Originally a boarding house, and then a duplex - our family has occupied this home for 60 of its 120 years.
There's so much history here and while the layout is quirky and out of the ordinary it's going to be a great time to update this home to be as much of an Old English Cottage as you'd see anywhere. Come curate with me.