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[Jade mountain will fall beneath thunder and ice] matching

sry I haven’t posted in forever I had my biggest project of the year for school #warriorcats #edits blue star (tried alightmotion editing and it lagged forever vro) #bluestar #warriorcats #edits #idk golden cheese cookie rehhehe #crk #cookierunkingdom #burningspicecookie #edit #edits #idks #dw #idk bad thistle. #warriorcats #catedits #edit #idks #warriors #catwarriors #books #idkkk #idk #dontflop uhhhhh #dandysworld #bobette #edit #idky #idkkk #idkwhattoput #uhhhh #uhm #diddysworld #bob #idk shhh still sick :c (I have been for a week what am I talking about) #yellowfang #brokenstar #warriorcats I’m sick with Covid and flu and haven’t gone to school for a week but here ya go #warriorcats #edit poor crooked :c #warriorcats #catwarriors #edit #catedits #books #idkwhattoputhere #idkkk #editing I asked my friend what edit and they said shrimpguy (Brightheart) #brightheart #warriorcats #idkk UHM WHAT? (Pinned comment)#dandysworld #idk #idkwhattoputhere #idontknowwhattohashtag #roblox #idkk !TPOT 15 SPOILERS! uhm I can explain- #tpot #bfb #bfdi #bfdia #idkwhattoputhere #idkwhattoput #idkk Cinderpelt. ANYWAY X-MAS TMRW!!! #cinderpelt #yellowfang #leafpool #warriorcats #books #idontknowwhy Gift for @Neptune_loves_space1 (wouldn’t let me tag) #warriorcats #warriorcatsultimateedition #book uh #Darktail #warriorcats #catedits #catwarriors #books #edit #idontknowwhattohashtag #books #idkkk shh I ship mothpool #leafpool #Mothwing #warriorcats #books #edit #idontknowwhattohashtag #catedits Fav characters :3 #warriorcats #catedits #catwarriors #books #edit #idontknowwhattohashtag #idkkk GUESS WHOS BACKKKK! #hawkfrost #brambleclaw #mudclaw #warriorcats #edit #idkwhattoputhere #books idk Family. #warriorcats #brambleclaw #hawkfrost #firestar #scourge #edit #cat #books #idkwhattoputhere I broke alight motion twice so it’s a bit glitchy. #ididnotdie #animationmeme @forthegirlsxx This is the most annoying fnaf song but- #darkforest #warriorcats #idkwhatimdoingwithmylife #hashtag ⁠@forthegirlsxx mwuhehehe (Cause I’ve been singing it)#graystripe #millie #warriorcats #catedits Icp and warrior cats: 💪 #warriorcats #catedits #catwarriors #cats #icp #books #edit #idkkk #idk Breeze. #warriorcats #warriors #catedits #cat #catwarriors #books #edit #idontknowwhattoputhere Long tail. #longtail #warriorcats @JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck #TheLightShadowEdits2.5comp #idk #books #edit UMI ZOOMI✨ (The show was fire tho-) #warriorcats #jayfeather #lionblaze #books #idkwhattoputhere Brambles pov: (NOT MY OPINION THE SONG JUST MATCHES)@JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck #TheLightShadowEdits2.5comp PEBS. #dandysworld #dandys #idontknowwhattoputhere #idontknowwhattohashtag #idk #hashtag #pebbles Fake collab with:@yellowfangxherbs-wc.editor#warriorcats #books #edit #warriors #catwarriors #sol Squeaky boi :D (also sneak peak) #sol #warriorcats #idontknowwhattoputhere #books #edit #warriors Bristlefrost. #warriorcats #catwarriors #warriors #idontknowwhattoputhere #idkwhatimdoingwithmylife This edit took me forever- #mapleshade@JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck 4th entry#TheLightshadow2.5comp #idkk Idk how to film dragon puppets- Ib@yellowfangxherbs-wc.editor #warriorcats #murderdrones #dandysworld #wingsoffire #regretavator REHEHHE Here ya go biscuit. #warriorcats #TheLightshadow2.5comp @JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck 4th entry #edit #idkk @forthegirlsxx PROOF. Tallstar next- #jayfeather #warriorcats #idk #LightShadowedits2.5comp @JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck 3rd Entry Er- #hawkfrost #warriorcats #warriors #catwarriors #edit #books #idontknowwhattoputhere #hashtag Siblings siblings siblings siblings! #ivypool #dovewing #warriorcats #catwarriors #warriors #books #fallenleaves X #hollyleaf ib:@DarkStarWc 2nd entry@JayflightStoleKestrelsongsLuck #Thelightshadoweditcomp2.5 Cloudtail :D #warriorcats #catwarriors #warriors #catedits #edit #idontknowwhattoputhere #dontflop Idfk- #ashfur #warriorcats #catwarriors #warriors #edit #books #catedits #idontknowwhattoputhere Scourge. #scourge #warriorcats #cat #warriors #edit #idkwhattoputhere #hashtag #idk #catedits #book Wanted to try a new editing style #warriorcats #warriors #catwarriors #books #idkwhattoputhere #idk Goofy ahh post #drawing #pencil #art #idontknowwhattoputhere #idkwhattoputhere #hashtag #idk #books :D #warriorcats #catwarriors #edit #idontknowwhattoputhere #books #idkwhattoputhere #idk #warriors