We are all prisoners here trapped upon this spinning, blue orb suspended in the expanse of space, ruled by malevolent spirits and the human minions they inhabit. The human rulers of our world have willingly traded their eternal souls in exchange for power and control of this planet and all us inhabitants. These traitors of their fellow human beings down through the bloodlines of their ancient ancestry, have carefully guided Mankind down a dark path that leads to deception, enslavement, and our ultimate destruction.
These Elite dump millions of metric tons of raw sewage and chemical poisons into the oceans we fish in; against our wishes and votes dump millions of metric tons of hydro fluorosilicic acid, rat poison, spent rocket fuel, and aluminum waste from their plants into the water we drink, then spray millions of metric tons of toxic pollutants as Chemtrails into the air we breathe, and rape and plunder the soil of its mineral resources from which we eat. LORD Christ save us.