Hmmm.. watch me do random stuff like crash expensive cars, got some old karaoke videos if that's your thing, and some really old videos just playing around with cam settings to see how they looked online (probably boring to most)... sadly YouTube deleted my 3 most popular videos along with the millions of views they got but que sera....
Update: found old FPV of my friend filming from passenger seat as I total a Dodge Viper 😬
Also, I just had a crazy surgery adding 13.5 POUNDS of titanium implants heh, and x-rays look AWESOME!! Maybe I'll upload some videos about it once I rehab a bit more, if I'm allowed to, but I'm too busy with physical training atm and also want to get off pain meds first because my brains too scrambled to think lol. But think of sci-fi characters who get skeletal combat mods or roll cages.. that's all say for now, except I feel as solid as durasteel ;)
* my old website is 404 atm