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Gabara if he was actually Gabara

687 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I vouch for country level shingoji Alt account:

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 2 weeks ago

hello tree frogs

If you’ve been up to date on my geometry dash you might have seen a level called “Lovers Sadness”
It’s a level where you play as a duel, and it actually just released around two months ago!
So I decided to try and complete it because it’s actually really good.

Meaning I’ll post daily* attempts on this beautiful level.

*If I can

If I cannot that means I was too busy.
Now there are some things I have to say.

1, There will still be who is strongest edits because every living organism prefers that over content I put effort in
2, Since this extreme demon is what I’m focused on, Edits will be more sparce. Doesn’t mean I’m quitting, but it means there will be less.
3, The reason I’m inspired is because of @Squishyman67’s attempt at beating Slaughterhouse and ‪@GDColon‬ ‬ ​‘s new hardest Windy landscape. Also because the level is all around really good.

Here’s the level

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 4 weeks ago

Hello tree frogs!

So I ended up reinstalling geometry dash on my device, should I use it to make content?

Sincerely, Gabara

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 3 months ago

Hello, tree frogs!

Since it's currently the last day of November (I know shocking) That means I'll change my profile picture to what you'll see below. This had a lot of care and effort put behind it, and not some effortless object where you put a picture and a Santa hat. Christmas video soon

Merry Christmas
‪@gamerclips3606‬​​​​​​​ ‪@DarthOnYT‬​​​​​​​ ‪@Bak1922‬​​​​​​ ‪@crooketh‬​​​​​ @Kiyrusolosfax ‪@Venomous_17870‬​​​ ‪@Thermo_alt‬​​ ‪@G21NegsEVA-01‬‪@CrimsonGojira-YT‬ ‪@roezillalol‬

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 4 months ago


So it turns out, I’ve actually reached 600 subscribers. Which is actually neat, since when I’ve started I honestly didn’t think I’ll pass FOUR hundred. I mean it is neat disproving my expectations so props to all you woodland creatures for making me popular. Because of that and I didn’t want to do the fourteenth open Collab I did, or some Editor wheel, I decided to do a Editor tourney!

Don’t be a template editor
You can be any character
You must share because I’m hungry for clout 🦃 (Not mandatory but suggested)
You must comment your character and not say “Done”
Don’t steal edits
I’ll judge off your most recent or most popular edit, so no your edit of Heisei era vs Monsterverse Doug which is apparently super good will not count.

Me (Gabara)

1. ‪@ragingspider909‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Spider Man)
2. ‪@Bak1922‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Tatsumaki)
2. ‪@ChonkCroc‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Monsterverse Godzilla)
3. ‪@someonethatmakesedits‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (1933 Brontosaurus)
4. ‪@Glaconic_YT‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Final Mothra)
5. ‪@crooketh‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Heisei Era Godzilla)
6. ‪@FastModz95‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Yummerlander)
7. ‪@TheDucky94‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (Meguna)
8. @Goofy Ahh Zamasu The Second​​​​​​​​​​​​ (AUT Knight I think)
9. ‪@Apex_10010‬​​​​​​​​​​​ (Megalon)
10. ‪@SweetNarwhal936‬​​​​​​​​​​ (Mega Kaiju)
11. ‪@aperschmoo‬​​​​​​​​​ (Ourano)
12. ‪@Diddy_party3467‬​​​​​​​​ (G14 da goat)
13. ‪@Guardy65‬​​​​​​​ (Yuta Okkotsu)
14. ‪@BlueKindGiant‬​​​​​​ (Chaos Ultraman)
15. ‪@trainerfrostaura‬​​​​​ (Ash Ketchum)
16. ‪@CrimsonGojira-YT‬​​​​ (Gojo)
17. ‪@DarthOnYT‬​​​​ (Supercharged Evolved)
18.‪@Reddo-Chan‬​​​ (Chaosroid S)
19. ‪@ロードレギオン‬​​ (Kafka)
20. ‪@Arnemises_8‬​ (Eagle)
Extra place: ‪@G21NegsEVA-01‬ (Shin Godzilla)

‪@Bak1922‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@Lolmaniscool‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@G21NegsEVA-01‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@DYXAnims‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@crooketh‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@CrocodylusCarcharias‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ‪@someonethatmakesedits‬​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 4 months ago

Hello you friendly people! You might know about my Miss circle vs Glass Joe video and it not being an edit. That’s because shorts will be 3 minutes instead of 1, and I decided to make a channel entirely about that. Now it doesn’t mean I’ll take a break, but it means that I’ll upload on the second and first channel. Check it out by clicking the mention!

‪@Bak1922‬ ‪@someonethatmakesedits‬ ‪@DYXAnims‬ ‪@TheDucky94‬ ‪@crooketh‬ ‪@G21NegsEVA-01‬ ‪@Lolmaniscool‬ ‪@gamerclips3606‬

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 7 months ago

Screw it, expect a sticknodes animation of Heisei vs Final wars in a couple weeks

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 7 months ago

Hello oxygen dwellers, as you know I’ve made an Open Collab what may be 2 weeks ago. And the fact that it’s July 15 I will rank these Open Collab submissions.

🥇​⁠@CrimsonGojira-YT (8/10) Your edit has effects and detailed Text, which has a lot of care put into it. You even made 80% of it yourself, what a cracker!
🥈@crooketh (7.5/10) Really clean edit, love the shakes too
🥉​⁠@CatBoy_editz1 (6.8/10) Same with Crook but your edit was out of sync

Because I don’t want to Collab, I’ll give ​⁠@CrimsonGojira-YT a Shoutout! (Subscribe to him pretty please)

Everyone that participated: (First to last)


Also everyone did a great job, et cetera et cetera.

All the submissions are here if you want to see them

By the way it’s closed if you cannot tell

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 8 months ago

I am on Vacation so uploads will be slower as I take time with others, meanwhile look at this totally not controversial Tier list!

Also imagine being blurry I cannot relat-

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Gabara if he was actually Gabara
Posted 8 months ago

After what felt like a millennia I watched GM1. I’ll review it and I hope I do not get practically crucified.

Honestly it did what it was supposed to do, be a somber Goji film, but the problem is that there was too many jump cuts (In the starting sequence) for me to actually enjoy. And one scene Goji was moving like a stick nodes animation with tweening. Otherwise, it did what it should and it honestly left an impact. My favorite scene was the Godzillasaurus and the Ginza attack, mainly because it had a deeper look into main character (Shikishima?) and their life. And the fact that the humans couldn’t do anything against this monster, honestly pretty good. You should prolly watch it if you haven’t, but don’t expect it to be the best Goji film that stands the test of time (Unless you’re a guy that heavily looks into the film) or whatever.

Honestly a 7/10

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