name: I used to go by my real first name on here, but not anymore. Call me TA. I like that much better.
into anime & manga // also interested in other stuff, like history, culture, art, etc. // main language: English (but I always watch anime with subtitles) // words that may come in handy when describing my worldview: "existentialism", "atheism", "nihilism" // former assistant librarian with a passionate hatred for libraries // (happily) single
Series/characters/pairings I like: Too many to list here, honestly.
Don't be afraid to talk to me~ Even if I may be kinda busy once in a while, or talk a lot about my personal life or about hating my editing. These days I'm a lot more active on my other account, where I post anime stuff (I use this account for manga vids).
Sharing my vids on other sites, etc. is totally okay with me. Asking permission is fine but not necessary.
LINE: message me if you want to add me.