An emergency ministry to refocus ourselves from the tempest of idolatry and online luxurious distraction back to the One Thing Needful, primarily, by simply reading from sacred texts of the Orthodox Church live online. Beginning in 2021, there are many more texts before switching to YouTube, at the FB links below.
Texts include:
-Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Fr. Michael, Orthodox Christianity (Vol. II; +Hil), Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives, Holy Scripture & the Church, Indication (+Innocent), The Ladder, How to Inherit Eternal Life (the talks), by Priest +Daniel, A Ray of Light, My Life in Christ, Great Lent, Unseen Warfare, Struggle for Virtue, Errors of the Latins, Law of God (both), Hymn's on Nativity (St. Ephraim), The Divine Liturgy: A Commentary in Light of the Fathers, The Great Pastoral Rule, The Mountain Wreath, The Epistles & the Apocalypse, The Kingdom of God, The World: Creation & Deification; Genesis, Creation & New Man, Christ the Eternal Tao, Life of the Theotokos.