In a country like Pakistan, we the people lived in illusion, Freedom to learn and knowledge.
It is an established fact that if you want to understand a subject to its core, start teaching it.
Fruit chat is all about thinking differently.
Fruit chat is all about knowledge.
Fruit chat is all about maximum dimensions of any event or word.
Fruit chat is all about learning.
Fruit chat is observing things with new angles.
Fruit chat is just unleashing imagination.
Fruit chat is about flying with the wings of knowledge.
We ll try to learn ….
#Knowledge from education….
#Wisdom from knowledge……
#Insight from wisdom……
#Intuition from insight ….
But the جنوں is a Gift …
سوچ کی موج کو
Be a part of Fruit chat …
Let’s Fruit chat ….
#فروٹ_چاٹ #pointofview #letsfruitchat