in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
DowJowRecommendow: Warrior Path to self Mastery - 9 week course.
This is special price for first batch; usually $199. You can pay in 1 month installments, and if you are an influencer, marketer, supporter, or customer then you may ask me for discount code :)
This is only available from first day of every odd numbered month (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) for no more than 5 aspirants at a time.
In this course I give you all the information and tools to Self growth using the left hand path of the Black Demon that mostly focuses on control knowledge & surrender during pain & problems especially via the disciplines of
1) Intermitent Fasting
2) Iga Ryu Ninjutsu (Takamatsu Den Bujinkan influenced by Samuraijutsu of Zen Buddhism)
3) Koga Ryu Ninjutsu (Parkour of Sun Tzu of Taoism)
4) Wing Chun Kung Fu (Taoism)
5) Muay Thai Boran (Thai Buddhism)
6) Capoeira (Angolian art most popular in Brazil)
7) Calisthenics (Kalesthenos of Stoicism).
Every single week for 9 weeks: you will get at least one grounds-up course-customized video to learn and practise followed by one live meeting customized to the majority to give you feedback and answer questions.
I will also be available almost any time to answer your questions.
1) leverage from my relentless passion, tested, & proven methods from almost 15 years of organizing & teaching experience.
2) leverage from over 20 years of knowledge and application from various disciplines in different cultures & parts of the globe, ensuring an open, respectful, and conflict-free mind.
3) rest assured that your investment is risk free and your money will be returned after course completion if it's of no benefit to you. Yes, I give you a money back guarantee >:)
4) get life-time influence, motivation, and feedback from a group of like-minded aspirants to ensure you stay on track and keep progressing.
5) save $100 as first batch while having the previlage of aiding in improving program for future generations.
6) improve yourself physically, mentally, and especially spiritually to help you live a more effortless, fulfilled, successful, and happy life.
7) protect yourself & others, and display effortless technique & superior physique.
8) learn money-saving techniques such as ditching the treacherous chair & laptop regardless of desk job, deriving energy from the elements, and making tooth-paste, floss, soap, fertiliser, aside from repair-knitting and cooking.
9) learn money-making marketing tactics that am only partially using here.
One cent (yes not free!) bonuses (worth over $5,000):
1) planning & affirmation templates for the year, month, quarter, life-time, and difficult goals. VALUE: $1,200.
2) complete & comprehensive knowledge about the 5 sheaths & 9 elements of enlightenment, including manifestation / creation methods, and various element balancing & cancellation modalities. VALUE: $1,700.
3) Nutrition Guide. VALUE: $300
4) WhatsApp group of like-minded Fiery Fighters for influence, mingling, & motivation with access to future enhancements, for life! VALUE: $2,000.
Check out to register or for more inFow. Scroll down to Warrior Path :)
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TbmH The body-mind Hacker. I free others from their physical & mental programs to live well & whole. DM for help :)