Tourists' expectations when visiting a particular place are related to several features of the chosen destination: culture, architecture, gastronomy, infrastructure, landscape, events, shopping, food, etc. These features attract people to the destination and contribute to the overall experience of the trip.
I, being a tourist and frequent traveler; sharing my personal experience about local culture, activities, visited places and food is in my priorities
I visited Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, England, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Pakistan, Malaysia, London, Paris, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, China, and the journey continues...
SoloTravelar, Shakeel Ahmed
#solotravelar #worldtour #trevelar #turkey #pakistan #istanbol #paris #china #pakistan #england #saudiArabia #cyprus #china #ksa #england #US #Italy #malaysia #london #paris #dubai #abudahbi #America #solotour #soloworldtour