Low level Starcraft 2 shoutcasts for your listening and viewing pleasure. There will be a smattering of high level commentaries, but largely this channel is by nuubs, for nuubs, all trying to get better at the game we love. Oh, and some 5 year old casting as well. :-)
SUBMISSIONS: If you would like to submit a game to be cast, please send your replay to nuubcast@gmail.com. We want to cast lower level games, but they have to be INTERESTING low level games. No turtle fests, no one attack and done games. Send us back and forth battles, games that YOU would want to see from other players. At the end of the day, we want to have fun and entertain, with a little teaching mixed in.
NuubCast SPECS:
Intel i7 2600 - 2nd gen
16 GB ram
Radeon HD 6700 series
Fraps/Sony Vegas