Email ~~
Email # 2 ~~
Aim ~~ quintonmendoza
Xbox 360 Gamertag ~~ pythontricker
My reptile collection;
1.0.0 Ball Python (Normal)
1.0.0 Ball Python (Spider)
0.1.0 Ball Python (Pastel)
1.0.0 Green Tree Python (Sorong)
0.1.0 Green Iguana
1.0.0 Red Eye Tree Frog
Age: 16
Location: Ahoy!
Some of my favorite Quotes;
-"Do you know what the Hardest part about rollerblading is? Admitting to your parents that your gay" -?
-"We are men, the earth is our bathroom" - ?
-"Just because you are a fire victim, doesn't explain why you don't have a scrotum" - ljhskid
-"Eat or be Eaten"- A Law of Nature
-"(Child)_"MOMMY, MOMMY! I DON'T WANT RUN AROUND IN CIRCLES ANY MORE!" (Mother)_"Shut up or I'll nail your other foot into the ground!" -My Dad
-"I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"- Christopher Walken